Remember when birthdays used to be cool? I do. Back when you could equate each year with some new privilege, or a new school year, birthdays owned. Or how about when you were a kid, and you longed for more adult responsibilities? What a crimson herring that turned out to be. I just cant get into my birthday happy mood this year. It really kind of bugs the crap out of me. I cant exactly figure out when I stopped enjoying them so much. It's a bit odd really. Let us say nothing of the nature of gifts one receives on their birthday. Take, for example, video games. I loved video games and comics as a child. They kicked ass. So imagine that, years later, I still do! Do I have responsibility problems? Yes. Are they going to go away on my birthday if you give me that nice looking, respectable shirt you liked instead of the computer game I wanted? No. My family has trouble grasping this idea sometimes. I enjoy reading. I enjoy sci fi and fantasy. I like games of all sorts. I like music. I am not hard to shop for. Does that mean I always know what I want? No. But its not so difficult. I'm just as bound to enjoy a gift I didnt think of as long as you thought i'd really like it.
On another note, after...say....21? Getting old, sucks. There's nothing more to look forward to. Just a sense of pressure, that you are now in your free fall years till thirty, and if you dont do what you set out to do with your're screwed. The idea that if you were to die prematurely in life, you might Get Judged at the Pearly Gates, and St. Pete will just look at you into your soul and ask "What HAPPENED?" This is sometimes the nervousness I get. But you see my point. No more privileges, just the occassional bills, thrills, and debt. That's not to say im not blowing all of this a little out or proportion. I mean, am perhaps giving the truth a little scope here... but im not entirely off I dont think. Maybe if we had more landmarks, like on your thirtieth birthday lets say its like mandatory that you get laid. Like we'll commission special "escorts" male AND female, who's job it is to have sex with you on your thirtieth. And for the sake of said arguement, since they are all getting paid, they should be pretty attractive. See? Something to look forward to. Then maybe at 40 you can skip fileing taxes that year and so forth. A little something. Obviously it'll fluctuate, but that's cool. Its reminiscient of life in a way. See? This is some good thinking, and I just got started!
So, now that I've rambled on a bit, i'm going to endeavor to enjoy my B day to its fullest. The one GREAT thing about B days,'s your day to be selfish. I mean, like as selfish as you'd sometimes like to be. And, as far as im concerned, that's awesome. But then again im pretty nuerotic. If you'd like to tell me how great I am on the 23rd, post a comment. Either way, take care.
Some B day Ideas for those who know who they's(?!) is:
I love comics. You almost cant go wrong here.
sci fi or fantasy books. Ive been turned on to several good ones by friends. You could be that friend!
Food. I'm fat. I like food. Go fig.
Some cool art. ala comic, photographic, or dorky in nature. I needs to show off my personality more.
Ripped movies,games,or series.
Women. I like them.
a 1,000,000,000 dollars. ok ok ok,
a 1,000?
so. . .what I get from this is we should hire an escort for you for your birthday. Am I right?
Hey! That was my idea! Happy Birthday Dave! was your birthday when I started posting, but now that I had to create an account it's a little past, but still...Happy Birthday! I don't know any escorts, so I guess you'll have to make do. *shrug*
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