Sunday, April 17, 2005


Yesterday, I was a little too cavalier in the use of my automobile's gas, and I finally ran out after being on E for the trip to my store. I was told to run an errand by my boss. So I did. But the car wouldn't start. A quandary. Luckily I was right next door to a gas station.
There was a man there pumping gass. He knew my dilemma. The man smiled slightly. In the blurry heat I looked back at him without expression. There was silence, or as much as could be allowed in the urban setting. We stood there. He and I, looking at each other. After a moment, the man shrugged and went back to his business. I nodded. A crossroads had been passed. The man would trouble me no further. I went inside and got the gas tank from the clerk. I filled my car with a gallon of gas from the plastic jug's insides. My car drank thirstily. I returned the gas tank to the clerk, and came back outside. I wiped the sweat from my brow. I got in my car. I then drove. The city swallowed me.



Margie the Pickle Princess said...

I see you were inspired by Sin City. Just as long as you don't start killing people, it's fine.

HighMaintenanceHussy said...

I've often thought the one thing missing from your blog was castration.