I am not a patriot. Now, don't get me wrong.... I like my country pretty well. I mean, there are things about it I really enjoy. But I also notice the hypocrisy and double dealing our country does. I don't think it's right. But I also don't think it means our country is the worst around. I'm not political, because I refuse to get that involved. This will undoubtedly result in commentary...and that's great....but I guess what I'm really trying to say is....I don't care that much. And the times I do care? People just screw it up. I dont think we should be in Iraq. Nope. Seems like a lot of bad business. On the other hand, Iraq wasnt doing so hot before we came along. I dont think we should be keeping that woman alive by artificial means. Doesnt mean I like her husband. I like that we gave England money. I enjoy the BBC. I dont like that it sort of made England our bitch in the political arena. I enjoy John Travolta. I dont enjoy Scientology. I appreciate modern art for being art, but I dont appreciate the price i'd have to pay for some. I like the armed services. I dont really want to join them. I am pro choice. Doesnt mean I want to kill babies, or have drug babies born with horrible problems. I could continue on.
But the thing is.....I dont really want to get wrapped up in any of that. I dont feel as if any of that defines me specifically as a person. I cant picture myself in an anti war strike, because I can appreciate the positive affects of war along with the life destroying negatives. I have opinions. Some of them are strong. But I wont take away other's ability to voice their own opinions, or hamper them unless it significantly threatens something I love. So. Republicans. Democrats. Have your squabbles. But, dont preach to me. It's annoying. And yes, I do think Tom Delay is a dick.
If you really want some powerful opinions on the circus that is our political structure, give my friend Veronica a hit on her web site: http://www.aldahlia.net/m/
But, for the record? Yeah, I think Tom DeLay is a prick.
Living in another country for the past four years has given me quite a different perspective on the good ole U S of A.
It's not the same place as when I left in 2001. And although I'm slightly more political than you, Dave, I find myself struggling to care. Things seem so far gone.
you don't sound like no Tex ass boy I've ever run in to. Refreshing, really. I've become accustomed to believing that all you dudes wear cowboy hats and boots and think GWB is the American version of the pope. Great Blog!
Who is it that preached at you?
Wait a damn second. This is my blog yo! I don't get to be pelted with junkmail in my blog.
That's not right! Lori, you suck.
If you want me to buy penis pills, you could at least have given me a props on my blog. But no. Congratulations lori. You. You my friend, are a jerk.
this is my favorite post so far. also lori does suck, if that is even her real name. also who are these complete strangers posting on your blog? i want complete strangers posting on my blog. now i have jealousy.
Your 1st comment spam. You are now, officially, a blogger, Dave.
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