Sunday, August 27, 2006

Bees are on the what now?

Apologies friends! I was using the broken arm comment as a metaphor describing the damage my car suffered (I.E. broken bones and possible internal bleeding) compared to the damage suffered by the other fellows car (A bloodied nose). I had thought I was being clear, but several people were concerned. So, I am whole of body. Matter of fact, I could probably lose a few pounds. Being fat was all well and fun when my metabolism was a little faster, but now that the ol' buffet buster is slowing down, well, it makes it harder to enjoy those Fritos. Speaking of Fritos, I have been on this super heavy Fritos kick lately. I need to nip that in the bud. Fritos are almost like anti nutrition. It's amazing how much salt and grease they can actually pack into one bag of those tasty little guys. You guys ever go into a snack trance? I mean I haven't done that in years, but the earlier today...I dunno...That satisfying crunch, coupled with the delicious salted corn- I got through a third of the bag before it occurred to me to pace myself. The weirdest thing about this chip eating, is I am not usually a big chip fan. I mean I like them, but it seems like in the last two months I've been eating chips like they were going out of style.
This brings me to my other problem....I am NOT busy enough at work. I mean, I love my gig, do not get me wrong, it's great. I mean I get paid to do very few things. BUT, that means that 65-75% of my shift (though its gotten better) is devoted to me staring at a monitor screen and trying to remember to move some. No exercise, and to keep myself up, I drink sodas and eat sweet shit. Which is actually getting old. Rapidly. I know! I know! Trust me! I am *not* looking a gift horse in the mouth, but neither do I have a stable to put said gift horse in, so it and I sort of just glance sheepishly at each other.
Regardless of the important issues just discussed, I hope you are all doing well. Shemsi, you're not a suck friend. But...One of you IS. Mwahahahahahahahahhahahaha!