Monday, July 31, 2006

Well, fuck.

I was in a car accident just before 12am. It was my fault, regardless of the factors involved. The other person's car has the equivalent of a black eye, I suffered a broken arm and possible internal bleeding car wise. Physically I am a little shaken, but otherwise unharmed, the other driver is ok as well. This is just to let people know what happened to me, I'm sure you can all understand if I don't want to make a super long post about it. I'm feeling kind of like the world's biggest asshole, but otherwise I'm surprisingly calm. I don't have much else to say. Wait, no, I still have one good "FUCK!" left in me. Ok. Yeah. That about sums it up.


Margie the Pickle Princess said...

SUCK! Holy crap! Hope you feel better soon. That totally blows dude. Man alive. I guess Josh doesn't know since I talked to him and he didn't saying anything. I'll be calling him straight away.

Veronica said...

So, how tired of having a broken arm are you?

Shemsi said...

Hi Dave

I hope you are feeling better. . especially since I'm reading this a whole 3 weeks after the event.

I'm a pretty sucky friend.