Sunday, April 03, 2005

Animal Control

I have several pets in my life time. 2 dogs, 3 cats, assorted goldfish (poor bastards) 3 salamanders, 1 large snail. None of these pets have been extraordinarily noisey. Please note that I did not say the dogs and cats were not noisey, but then neither did they constantly make noise. The people keeping the dogs next door, apparently own dogs that don't understand that their incessant fighting and yipping is....well, its really just fucking obnoxious is what it is. Perhaps you feel that the expletive there is a bit much, this is ok, as you have obviously not heard these dogs go at it for over an hour at a time. I live in an apartment complex, and there are many people here who own pets. None, of these other people have had problems keeping their pets behaved. Or at least reasonably well enough behaved so as to be noticed only in one's peripheral. The other thing that bothers me about these dogs? It's not really the dogs fault. I mean, sure, they ARE extremely vexing.......but they also spends hours cooped up in a space something like 10 x 15 or a very similar figure. For hours. Literally. And i've taken a peak, their space isnt clean either. Crap is left on the pavement, the bowl of water, while huge, is left there all day, its shabby. It also stinks depending on the weather. If you dont have the time to spend on some pets....dont keep them. It's rather simple to my mind. Also, it makes you look like a dick if you let your pets carry on like that. Or keep them in those conditions. "A big jerk lives here" is the picture that paints.
I think the other problem with all this is, I will now have to.....COMPLAIN. Now, I've almost never officially had to COMPLAIN, because I hate doing it. I don't want to make waves, or chastise people, I just want to get through a day without having to wince as a dog yips apart my peaceful nap. To COMPLAIN has always to me marked one as a type of person who cant let shit go. But this has been going on for several months. Also, I do not sleep well. So I feel that anything that screws that for me can get a nice cold can of "Shut your dogs the hell up" if they are thirsty.

Peace out.

~ Dave


HighMaintenanceHussy said...

I'm right there with you. People should have to pass a basic competency exam before they become pet owners. And parents, for that matter.

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

HELL YEAH! I hate pet owners like that and big dogs should NEVER be keep in small apartments, or small patios behind apartments either. Preach it, brother-man!

Joshie said...

Last night, I figured out the problem. One is a horny boy dog, the other is a frigid girl dog. Kept on the same patio all day (and some nights). Now, I don't have a Ph.d in dogginess, but I think this is pretty obviously a bad idea. So, I complained this morning (officially, I mean). I started out with, "I don't want to complain...actually, I guess I do." The apartment apparently had several complaints but were waiting for a certain number before steps were taken. *I* was that number. Who says one man can't make a difference? Well, let's see if anything changes....

cainnum said...

A)holy crap you're actually posting on your blog. b) did you guys complain to neighbor or to the office?