Saturday, October 22, 2005

Do you read on? If so, turn to page 87......

Man! Today my vision is just for crap. Blurriness and halos abound! It is freaking annoying. I should really take care of myself or something. Sheesh. My glasses were supposed to be a miracle cure! Science was supposed to be on my side! Imagine my chagrin at finding out otherwise. Stupid science. In other news, I just recently purchased a couple of those old Choose Your Own Adventure books. I used to read those all the time. I went through those little books like a recovering heroin addict goes through methadone. Let me just say....... Sometimes nostalgia lies. She's a fickle mistress, and she's not to be taken lightly. I loved going through all the endings through those books. I usually found out what was up pretty quickly, I usually chose one of the "best" plot lines early on, and then of course I'd go back and get the endings where you fell into a pit, challenged the wrong bad guy, when down the wrong plain alley, unwisely opened the unremarkable door your doom led behind, or on one memorable occasion - I was turned into a mouse. Sure, whatever. I think that was always one of my problems with the Choose Your Own Adventure (You'll pardon me if I don't keep using bold print and italics ) series. See, in the CYOA (familiarity breeds anagrams) books, sometimes you got the crap ending with no warning, or worse still; you'd get to that one decision path where both decisions were flawed. What does that teach kids? Sorry kiddo, but your desire to turn left and go into the bedroom instead of following the black cat to your doom as you just discovered, is not gonna save your ass this time. Thanks for trying to learn basic problem solving for us. We're sorry the game was rigged. Seems like they rarely appreciated violence either, they'd give you an item sometimes, maybe even something suggestive....Like a gun- but woe and peril befall the youth that attempts to use that device. Maybe the writers would just get lazy occasionally, or worry that the child would then pencil in "uses alien blaster" and a fake page number....And then write their own endings, there by putting that franchise out of a job. I remember being part of a martial arts world in one book, but I don't remember karate chopping anyone. I think I might have traveled back in time. No, that was another book. Damn it. That was always another problem with the CYOA's. They tended to kind of run together. Which is creepy, because I recall there being over a hundred. Maybe I could do it better. Hmmmm.

If you'd like to show support for a Choose Your Own Adventure blog.....Turn to page 87..

If you'd rather go back and investigate Farmer McCreedy's farm again after dark.....Turn to page 41


Margie the Pickle Princess said...

page 87!

HighMaintenanceHussy said...

OMG, I LOVED CYOA books as a kid. Only me, being the instant gratification ho that i am, would always cheat and skip to the end.

p.s. i lost my job. well, lost is a strong word. the company lost the client for whom i was hired due to budget cuts, so i was let go. i´m surprisingly non-suicidal about it, though. good for me.

Margie the Pickle Princess said...

Man. That sucks. :(